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Mentorship and Professional Development

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We are committed to nurturing the next generation of women in AI through mentorship programs, professional development workshops, and educational events designed to enhance skills and career growth.

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Research and Innovation

", "description": "

Our council fosters innovation through research collaborations, white papers, and reports that spotlight the achievements of women in AI and explore future technological trends.

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Advocacy and Outreach

", "description": "

We advocate for gender diversity and inclusion in AI, engaging with stakeholders and the public to raise awareness and work towards equitable policies and practices in the tech industry.

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Networking and Events

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Join our vibrant community at networking events, conferences, and discussions where members can share ideas, form collaborations, and find support in their professional journeys.

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AI for Good

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The \"AI for Good\" initiative is dedicated to promoting and implementing AI solutions that address global challenges, from climate change and health disparities to education and equality. By fostering collaborations between technologists, industry leaders, and policymakers, we aim to drive innovations that are not only groundbreaking but also ethical and inclusive.

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Our initiatives

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Join the Council

", "description": "

Discover how you can become a part of the Women In GenAI Leadership Council. Learn about our membership benefits, criteria, and how to apply.

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Volunteer for Committees

", "description": "

Contribute your skills and passion by joining one of our committees focused on different aspects of our mission, from mentorship to advocacy and beyond.

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Support Us

", "description": "

Find out how you can support the Women In GenAI Leadership Council through donations, partnerships, or sponsorships, helping us to further our impact.

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Get Involved

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Empowering Women in GenAI

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Driving Impact Through Gender Equality in Tech

", "description": "

Welcome to the Women In GenAI Leadership Council, a pioneering initiative dedicated to promoting female leadership and innovation in the field of generative AI. Our mission is to foster an inclusive environment that champions diversity, equity, and empowerment in technology. Join us as we break barriers and shape the future of AI.

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Our mission

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To redefine the landscape of generative AI by championing the representation, inclusion, and leadership of women in the field. Our community promotes innovation, diversity, and ethical leadership in AI, inspiring the next generation of female leaders in technology.

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Our vision

", "subheading": "Driving Gender Equality in Tech", "description": "

To create a world where women play a pivotal role in the development and governance of AI technologies, ensuring they are equitable, inclusive, and beneficial for all.

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Tatyana Kanzaveli

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Tetyana Kanzaveli is a recognized leader in the technology and healthcare industries, with an impressive track record of driving innovation and fostering growth. With her profound expertise in AI, digital health, and strategic development, Tetyana has been at the forefront of transforming healthcare through technology. Her visionary leadership and passion for improving patient outcomes have led her to found and lead several successful initiatives, including the renowned Open Health Network, which revolutionizes patient engagement and data analytics through customizable AI-powered health solutions.

Tetyana's journey is marked by her dedication to empowering women in technology and her advocacy for inclusive and equitable innovation. Her work extends beyond business achievements; she is deeply committed to mentoring emerging leaders, advocating for gender diversity in STEM, and contributing to global health initiatives. As a speaker and influencer, Tetyana shares her insights at major conferences and forums worldwide, inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs and technologists.

Her contributions have not gone unnoticed, earning accolades and recognition for her leadership and impact in tech and healthcare communities. As a founder of the Women In GenAI Leadership Council, Tetyana aims to harness the potential of generative AI to create sustainable and transformative healthcare solutions, while advocating for the representation and leadership of women in the AI space. Her vision for the council is to build a collaborative platform that champions innovation, mentorship, and diversity, shaping a future where technology creates equitable opportunities for all.

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Svetlana Sicular

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Svetlana Sicular is a thought leader at the intersection of data and AI. She is convinced that a human plus AI is smarter than either by themselves. Ms. Sicular really cares about helping organizations - from governments and multinational corporations to starups - achieve digital transformation by using AI. Her current research interests focus on the ongoing shifts in AI and ML; responsible AI and AI governance; data-centric AI; and the most exciting part of artificial intelligence - the human. Svetlana Sicular pioneered responsible AI, AI governance, augmented intelligence and big data research at Gartner. She has been covering generative AI since the inception of this term and has been authoring the Generative AI hype cycle profile since. Ms. Sicular developed important, now commonly recognized ideas: multidisciplinary data science teams, the role of Chief Data Officer, data & analytics governance in the age of AI and personal analytics.

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Mary Vincent

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Mary is an AI Research Manager at Lockheed Martin Space. She also has a TEDx Talk on how Space Technologies Improving Life on Earth.

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Purnima Goel

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Product Leader, Generative AI @Google

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Xiangru Li

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Xiangru is a Senior Data Scientist at Intuit, pioneers AI solutions revolutionizing financial management for small businesses. With a rich background in data science, she integrates cutting-edge AI models within Intuit products, simplifying processes for entrepreneurs.

Beyond her technical prowess, Xiangru is a dedicated mentor, championing the journey of young women professionals in the tech industry, breaking barriers and promoting inclusivity.

 Xiangru holds an M.S. degree in Data Science from University of California, San Diego

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Parul Jain

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Parul Jain, a seasoned professional in high-tech product development, brings over a decade of refined expertise to the table, skillfully translating intricate customer needs into cutting-edge solutions. With a proven track record, she has spearheaded the inception-to-execution development of Computer Vision and Machine Learning-driven AI products on a global scale, resulting in a billion-dollar impact. In her current role as Principal Product Manager at Walmart International, she is leading strategy for AI initiatives intricately designed to enhance user experiences worldwide. Her commitment to strategic AI application is fortified by a master\u2019s degree in Product Management from Carnegie Mellon University, complemented by certifications in Product Strategy from Kellogg School of Management and AI Product Design from MIT. A relentless learner, Parul embodies the visionary mission of the Women In GenAI Leadership Council. Her drive for innovation, customer-centric focus, and AI proficiency converge to shape a transformative legacy in technology leadership.

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Nathalie Brochstein

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Nathalie Brochstein is a seasoned entrepreneur and Silicon Valley executive with over 25 years of experience in the digital industry. As the founder of Karibu.AI, she focuses on revolutionizing onboarding through an AI-driven platform that employs a gamified approach, ensuring new hires integrate seamlessly into their new roles. With a background in tech and management consulting, Nathalie has dedicated her career to enhancing organizational effectiveness, strategic planning, and public speaking. She is bilingual in English and Hebrew, holds multiple certifications, including two Master's degrees in psychology (CIIS) and science (Technion, Israel) along with Organizational Analysis (Stanford). Nathalie's work spans across consulting, advising, and speaking, aiming to empower organizations for sustained success.

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Charlotte Xia

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Charlotte brings a strong technical and operating background to Women in GenAI. Charlotte is an investor at Fusion Fund, a VC firm targeting early-stage startups based in Silicon Valley. Prior to that, she spent years in various roles in the healthcare and deep tech industry. She started her career as a scientist at Formlabs in its early days. There she led the R&D effort to ship the company\u2019s first-generation medical products that enabled digital transformation of the dentistry industry, benefiting hundreds of thousands of surgeries and millions of treatments. Having seen the revolution in healthcare, she believes in the transformation by AI for more industries, and she is excited to empower entrepreneurs innovating at the intersection.

Charlotte also serves as a mentor at several well-known incubators, including the Stanford Emergence Accelerator, Alchemist, etc., where she lends her extensive experience to deep tech startups. Particularly, she specializes in guiding technical founders through the process of scaling technology from the lab to the market. In addition, she provides insights on fundraising initiatives and helps to refine business models and go-to-market strategies.

Charlotte holds an M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

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Dr. Natalie Petouhoff

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As a co-founder of the Women in GenAI LA Leadership Council, Dr. Natalie is known as the AI + Empathy Whisper. Her unique take on AI in business has put her on the top of every executive's list as the go-to person to help break through the hype, create a strategy, and avoid the AI blind spots for a truly innovative approach to AI and business. With over 15 years of applied AI experience, she works with executives at companies like DoorDash and Hilton to integrate  Predictive AI, Conversational AI, and Generative AI into their business.

With over 12 awards and earning the honor as a Wall Street Journal best-seller on AI, customer, and employee experience, Empathy in Action: How to Deliver Great Customer Experiences at Scale delivers real-world examples and the how-to steps to apply AI to customer and employee experience.

Dr. Natalie is the Applied AI Strategist at one of the top AI consulting firms, https://www.nextcolabs.io/team She is dedicated to reducing bias in large language models and training sets. She is working with UCSD on an empathic AI large language model and AI that will be applied to an interactive patient care robot. Dr. Petouhoff has a Ph. D. in Material Science & Engineering from UCLA and an M.S. in Metallurgy from U of Michigan. Those degrees are complemented by her studies in Exponential Innovation from Singularity University, as well as, Clayton Christensen's Disruptive Strategies program from Harvard Business School.

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Our team

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The Women In GenAI Leadership Council was founded by a group of visionary leaders dedicated to shaping the future of women in generative AI. With diverse backgrounds in technology, research, policy, and advocacy, our founders recognized the critical need for a platform that promotes female leadership, innovation, and diversity in AI. United by a shared commitment to empowerment and equity, they launched the council to inspire change, foster a supportive community, and drive advancements in AI that benefit all.

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About us

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